Hood Cleaning
Kitchen Exhaust Hood Cleaning Services by Aizen Fire Protection, Inc.®
All kitchen hoods must remain clean in order to maintain safe environment and to lower the chance of possible fire because of built-up grease. Commercial kitchens have the potential of grease fires due to the volume of cooking involvement.
Exhaust cleaning is required by code for every commercial cooking establishment. Kitchen grease hood cleaning is required by the Health Inspectors, Fire Marshals, Insurance Companies and Authority Having Jurisdiction.
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 96 standard) requires all commercial kitchens exhaust systems to be cleaned by a properly trained, qualified, and certified personal.
Before and After Cleaning
Aizen Hood Cleaning technicians are professionally trained.
We follow the NFPA 96&17A Standards and the Fire Marshal as part of our services. Some restaurants or commercial hood owners use non-professional staff to clean their hoods and ducts, by doing so they violate the code and expose themselves to potential risks that are negligent. If your business ever has a fire that originates in the kitchen exhaust system, it could be denied by your insurance company for coverage. Before you consider using a non-certified company, think about the liability and let us; the professional hood cleaners help you.
We will clean your hood, duct and the fan. Ask us about appliances and filters cleaning.
Before and After Cleaning
NFPA Codes, for Hood Cleaning:
NFPA 96 Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations (2017 Edition).
4.1.5 The responsibility for inspection, testing, maintenance, and cleanliness of the ventilation control and fire protection of the commercial cooking operations, including cooking appliances, shall ultimate be that of the owner of the system, provided that this responsibility has not been transferred in written form to a management company or other party.
4.1.8 All interior surfaces of the exhaust system shall be accessible for cleaning and inspection purposes. Fans shall be provided with safe access and a work surface for inspection and cleaning. Upblast fans with motors surrounded by the airstream shall be hinged and supplied with flexible weatherproof electrical cable and service hold-open retainers.
B.11.4 Cleaning of Exhaust Systems
B.11.4.1 If, upon inspection, the exhaust system is found to be contaminated with deposit from grease-laden vapors, the contaminated portion of the exhaust system shall be cleaned by a properly trained, qualified, and certified person(s) acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction.
Our dedicated team of professionals
Table B.11.3 Schedule of Inspection for Grease Buildup.
*High volume cooking operations include 24-hour cooking, charbroiling, or wok cooking.
‡Low-volume cooking operations include churches, day camps, seasonal businesses, or senior centers.
B.11.4.2 Hoods, grease removal devices, fans, ducts, and other appurtenances shall be cleaned at frequent intervals to remove combustible contaminated prior to surfaces becoming heavily contaminated to a minimum of 50 µm (0.0002 in.).
B.11.4.9 After the exhaust system is cleaned, it shall not be coated with powder or other substance.
B.11.4.14 When an exhaust system is inspected or cleaned, a certificate showing the name of the servicing company, the name of the person performing the work, and the date of inspection or cleaning shall be maintained on the premises.
B.11.4.15 After cleaning or inspecting is completed, the exhaust cleaning company and the person performing the work at the location shall provide the owner of the system with a written report that also specifies that were inaccessible or not cleaned.
B.11.4.16 Where required, certifications of inspection and cleaning and reports of area not cleaned shall be submitted to the authority having jurisdiction.
Other Cleaning Services
Aizen Hood Cleaning is offering other areas that require power wash cleaning, such as;
Appliances, filters, floors, sidewalks, cement surfaces, trash containers and others.
Call us for FREE quote, and we will be happy to advise you about your location.
We are a member of NFPA (National Fire Protection Association), NAFED (National Association of Fire Equipment Distributors), CALSAFE (California Association of Life Safety and Fire Equipment), and the B.B.B. (Better Business Bureau).
Contact us
Call (800) 989-2312